Running My First Marathon!

Yesterday I was able to check off a life-long bucket list item: Running a marathon. I signed up for a different marathon back in 2020 and trained for months, but it ended up getting canceled due to Covid. 2 years later, I was finally able to sign up for the Rock N Roll Marathon in San Diego. I scheduled out my training plan at the beginning of the year with the goal of running a sub-4-hour marathon, but I ended up getting strep throat in February and haven't felt 100% since then. I've been sick off-and-on for months, which made training extremely difficult. I decided to run the marathon anyway and put very low expectations on myself. My only goal was to finish it.

I ended up running it in 3 hours, 53 minutes, 57 seconds! (8:56/mile) It was by far one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I felt pretty good the first 14 miles, but the last 12 miles were ROUGH. There was a 1.5-mile-long hill at Mile 22 that should be illegal. I wanted to give up, but knowing that my friends were waiting at the finish line pushed me through. It was an incredibly emotional, challenging, and rewarding experience. I have never been as sore as I am today. I'm definitely not rushing to schedule my next marathon, but I'm so glad that I did it and grateful for a healthy body. We are capable of doing hard things!

My June Challenge

If you know me even a little bit, there's a good chance you know that I love a good coffee shop. I'm a sucker for oat milk vanilla lattes and dirty chais. Going to a coffee shop used to be something I treated myself with a couple times per week, but recently it has turned into a daily habit. This has become dangerous for my wallet AND my waist line (since I get mostly sugary drinks). So I'm embarking on one of my LEAST favorite monthly challenges to date: No coffee shops for the whole month of June. To be clear, I am NOT cutting out coffee (I've done that before and it was definitely a one-time thing). Wish me luck!

Mailbox Peak

Training hike last month for my Mount Rainier climb. Probably the steepest hike I’ve ever done. Rainier is exactly 15 days away!

Austin Bond 2

Coming soon to a theater near you

HERE is the first film if you haven't seen it yet!

Congrats Rob!

Congrats to my friend Robbie on officially becoming a homeowner!!

We were able to find this beautiful home with an ADU in his dream neighborhood. He’ll be able to rent out part of the house to help supplement his monthly payment. House-hacking is my #1 favorite way to get started with real estate investing and wealth-building!

Theory's Burning Questions with Duke Paulson

Had a great time chatting with Duke Paulson about the complex issue of homelessness and the amazing work being done by the Tacoma Rescue Mission to help people in our community!

"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment." - Jim Rohn