No TV, Netflix, or YouTube for a Month

Today is the last day of September! It's the end of Q3 2020, which means we have just 3 months left of this wild year. Let's finish strong! Champions are made in the 4th quarter.

My monthly challenge for the month of September was to completely cut out TV, Netflix, and YouTube. This was my 20th month in a row doing these monthly challenges, and this was actually my 2nd time doing this specific challenge. I'm a firm believer that we need to set boundaries with our media consumption, and it was very nice detoxing this month. It's so easy to get sucked into constant media consumption. If you ever find your mood or mental health being affected by the media that you consume, I highly recommend doing a detox. Even a day or a week could make a huge difference in your life.

Check out the 90-second Vlog that I made about my September Challenge below! I even included some cool drone footage above Tacoma :) 


“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing - that’s why we recommend it daily.” -Zig Ziglar

Work-Life Balance

I took this photo last weekend at one of my favorite coffee shops in Seattle. I was prepping for an action-packed week in Tacoma, and I took a moment to take stock of the activities that filled my weekend. I ran around Green Lake twice, ate some delicious Caribbean food at Bongos, had 2 game nights, watched church online, took a nap, toured a few properties in Shoreline, and participated in a Virtual Real Estate Wealth Expo.

For me, “work-life balance” isn’t about keeping them completely separate. It’s about prioritizing the things that matter most (relationships, health, faith, and career) and making the most of every single day. What does work-life balance look like for you?

Celebrating a Big Milestone :)

I went back and forth dozens of times about whether or not I should post this. I share pretty much my entire life online, but I never want to come across as showy or flashy. My number 1 goal with social media is to inspire people to live their lives to the fullest, NOT to show off how “cool” I am.

If you know me well, you know that I have dreamed of getting a Tesla since the first time I saw one. But I’ve been nervous to actually get one because I’ve worried about how it would be perceived (even though they've gotten way cheaper over the last few years). I’ve even felt embarrassed telling my friends and coworkers about it. I shouldn’t be embarrassed to share something that I’m excited about.

As a kid, my mom made scrapbooks for all of our family trips and other big events. It’s always fun looking back at these memories from my childhood. I look at social media as my online scrapbook. It’s a way to stay connected with friends, document my life, and share exciting milestone along the way. This is one of those milestones.

Meet Tia the Tesla!

Theory Training Program

We just finished Week 4 of our Theory Agent Training Program with these lovely ladies. Excited to watch them take the Washington real estate industry by storm 

Crisp Greens

Shoutout to Crisp Greens for making the best salads in Tacoma AND for donating over 5,000 meals to first responders since the beginning of Covid!

Tacoma from the Sky

I love this city more and more every day ❤️

“We all have two choices: we can make a living or we can design a life.” — Jim Rohn