Going to the Gym Every Day for a Month


I can’t believe March has already come to a close! It was an AWESOME March - honestly one of the most productive months of my life.

Every month in 2019, I’m challenging myself to do something that’s completely outside of my comfort zone. For the month of March, I gave myself 2 challenges:

  1. Wake up at 5 AM every day

  2. Go to the Gym every day

I achieved one of these goals, but not the other. I DID go to the gym every single day in March, but I did NOT wake up at 5 AM every day. I completely underestimated how hard this would be, especially on weekends. I woke up at 5 AM about 25 days out of the 31 in March. Not too shabby!

There are 3 main things I learned from challenging myself in March:

  1. Working out is about more than physical fitness - Getting in good shape is obviously a benefit of working out everyday. However, there are a TON of other benefits as well. Increased energy throughout the day, more mental clarity, and a desire to eat healthier food are just a few of the benefits of working out. In addition, challenging yourself with a workout first thing in the morning will make you feel like you can tackle any challenge that comes up throughout the day.

  2. It’s okay to fail - This is cliche, but SO important. If we’re afraid to fail, then we’ll never take risk and therefore never succeed. I set a goal for myself to wake up at 5 AM every day in March, and I didn’t hit that goal. However, I DID wake up at 5 AM more days than any other month in my life. During these early mornings, I was able to achieve so much than I wouldn’t have otherwise achieved if I didn’t set the goal for myself in the first place. Don’t be afraid to fail!

  3. Sleep is important - Waking up early is great, but only if you also went to bed early and got enough sleep. If you only get a few hours of sleep, all the benefits of waking up early go away. I have found that I am able to be way more productive and focused throughout the day if I simply sleep for 7-8 hours. I’ve also found that taking 15-30 minute power naps is a great way to get rested on those days when 7-8 hours of sleep just isn’t realistic.

Please check out Vlog # 5 below! Don’t forget to like and subscribe :)