Be Different

Last week, I had the honor of speaking at an event put on by Acquire Marketing, a local marketing company based out of Puyallup. The title of the event was “How to Be a Video and Social Media Marketing Rockstar”. There were about 40 real estate professionals in the room, and I did my best to share what has worked for me and my company, Theory Real Estate.

I believe there are 3 important things you need to know if you want to be a social media marketing rockstar:

  1. Be Different - In order to get someone to work with you, you have to be the FIRST person that they think of in your industry. Whether you work in real estate, insurance, or just about any other industry out there, staying top-of-mind with your clientele is the best way to ensure that they’ll work with you when they need your service…. because they’ll actually remember you! The key to staying top-of-mind is to be completely yourself. Don’t conform to how everyone else portrays themselves online. If you want to attract the type of clients that you actually WANT to work with, then you need to be likable and relatable to those people. And the only way to do that is to be genuine and authentic to who you truly are. Be different!!

  2. Be Consistent - Social media is truly one of the most powerful forms of marketing in this day and age. If you want to make it a key part of your business, you have to be consistent and commit to posting on social media just about every day. And don’t JUST post about your career. Post about your hobbies, your family, your adventures, your city, etc. By the way, posting on social media is just the start. You also need to ENGAGE with the people that you follow and the people that follow you. Remember: Facebook and Instagram are SOCIAL networks, not advertising networks. So be social!

  3. Don’t Overthink It - You don’t need to get fancy to start marketing yourself online! You don’t need to pay a bunch of money for fancy equipment. You also don’t need to make everything look perfect. In fact, perfect can actually be a turn-off to the people consuming your content. Being relatable is SO much more important than being perfect. You don’t need to spend weeks or months creating your social media marketing plan. Just start! You got this! Please feel free to shoot me a message if there’s anything I can do to help:

Check out some of my talk in VLOG # 4 below!!