Running a 5K Every Day for a Month

Every month in 2019, I’m challenging myself to something different. I’m on a lifelong journey of getting better every day, and I think that challenging myself is a great way to constantly try new things and push myself. For the month of April, I challenged myself to run a 5K every single day. That’s right… 3.1 miles each and every day in April.

I’m currently writing this on April 30th, and I successfully ran my last 5K of the month just a few hours ago. Over the course of the month, I actually ended up running a bit more than 3.1 miles every day, and I ended up hitting 100 miles for the month of April. I’m pretty excited about that!

After a month of running every single day, I feel quite a bit healthier and in considerably better shape. It was also extremely therapeutic having ~30 minutes every day to be alone with my thoughts, music, and audio books. I listened to 6 audio books in April, which was an added bonus.

I ran to beautiful parks and viewpoints; I ran along the water; I ran during sunrises and sunset; I ran in a mimosa 5K with some friends; I ran on the treadmill; I ran A LOT.

Now for the flip side… my shins! My poor shins! Toward the end of the month, I started getting shin splits pretty much every time I ran, which made running extremely painful. On any other month, I would have simply stopped running, but I was determined to finish my challenge. So my shins paid the price.

What I learned from this challenge is to listen to your body. Working out and physical fitness are great, but sometimes you just need to take a rest day to give your body time to recover. Moderation is okay!

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