My Evening Routine

Happy 1st Day of October! ðŸŽƒ
My Challenge for this month is...*drumroll please*...
Follow Evening Routine Every Day for a Month ðŸ’¤


  1. No Screen Time 30 Minutes Before Bed + No Devices in Bedroom!

  2. Set out clothes for tomorrow - Picking out my gym and work clothes the night before gives me one less thing to think about in the morning

  3. Floss teeth, mouthwash, and wash face. Gotta stay fresh and clean!

  4. Review schedule for tomorrow

  5. Review goals for the week, quarter, and year

  6. Read Bedtime Motivation note

  7. Read for 10 Minutes

  8. Think about 3 things that I'm grateful for - Gratitude is extremely powerful and helps get my mind right before bed so that I wake up ready to take on the day

  9. Pray