June & July Challenges

I epicly failed at my June challenge. I challenged myself to cut out sweets, do a high-intensity workout every day, and drink a gallon of water every day. I ate an ice cream sandwich 5 days into the month, and I've indulged my sweet tooth almost every day since then.

I've been doing these monthly challenges for 2 and a half years, and this was the first time I've given up. I've spent a lot of time thinking about why I didn't have the willpower to stick with this challenge, and I honestly don't really know. Guess I needed a break. I DO know that I am not a robot, and sometimes it's okay to cut myself some slack.

My main takeaway from June - Work really hard and hold yourself to high standards, but also give yourself grace and forgive yourself when you fail. Learn from your failures, but don't dwell on them.

Excited to start fresh with a new month! You can't beat Summers in the PNW! For the month of July, I'm going to spend as much time outside as possible, soak up the sun, and hit 10,000 steps every day!


Feeling so unbelievably grateful this week

Grateful that our whole team was able to meet for the first time in well over a year. SO excited for this monthly gathering going forward

Grateful for the incredible passion, uniqueness, and optimism of every person on this team. Theory is about 60 people strong (25 not pictured here)

Grateful for Ejay O'Donnell for sharing some wisdom and inspiring our team

Grateful for this beautiful building that will be open to the public very soon

Grateful that Washington has officially reopened

Grateful for an incredible weather forecast ️

Grateful to be ALIVE. Every day is a miracle!

From the Ground Up

Shoutout to my friend Rami for opening a dope pop-up shop in South Lake Union for his company From the Ground Up! They were featured on King 5 News last week. Love seeing friends doing big things!

Had the pleasure to chat about business and life with Rami in his shop. Watch out for the video dropping soon!

What's New

Lincoln Collective Coming Soon

Big Mulligan Guys ️

Slingin’ Sandwiches

8 wineries in 2 Days

“You'll Never See a U-Haul Behind a Hearse” - Denzel Washington