Finishing January Strong

Yesterday was the last day of January Strong. After forming a lot of bad habits in December, I created this challenge to kick off 2022 on the right foot. Every day in January, I completed all of the following habits:

I woke up without snoozing the alarm clock
I worked out for at least 45 minutes (more than just a walk)
I hit 10,000 Steps
I followed a healthy balanced diet
I drank a gallon of water
I wrote in my gratitude journal
I read 10 pages of a book

I’ve been doing monthly challenges like this for over 3 years now, but I usually just pick ONE thing for the month. So completing these 7 things every day was very challenging, but it was also incredibly rewarding. I feel healthier than I’ve been in a while, I’ve fallen back in love with reading, and my body has gotten used to the physical demands of this challenge. I made a vlog every single day this month to document my January Strong journey (which I post on my TikTok and Instagram Stories). HERE are the first 10 days!

Over the last week, I’ve been thinking about what I want to do for my February challenge, and it’s been difficult to figure out what to follow this up with. So instead of introducing a new challenge, I’m going to see how long I can keep these habits going. It’s no longer January, so I need a new name for this challenge. January Strong is now 2022 Strong. Let’s do this

Let's Talk About Depression

I’m generally a pretty optimistic and positive person. I’m unbelievably blessed with my life, my health, and the people I get to spend my time with. But every once in a while, depression comes out of no where and hits me like a bus. Everything can be going right, but then all of a sudden I have zero motivation or desire to do anything other than stay in bed. And then guilt sets in because I have SO much to be grateful for, and there’s really no good reason to be sad. But that doesn’t make it go away. It’s an inexplainable feeling that sometimes lasts hours, sometimes days, and sometimes weeks.

In the middle of January, I had one of those weeks. It’s difficult for people who don’t suffer from depression to understand it, so the best way to describe how I felt is “off”. I’m not sharing this for sympathy or encouragement, but rather to encourage others that if you ever find yourself feeling this way, you are not alone. I’m 100% here for you if you ever need someone to talk to without any judgement whatsoever. The last 2 years have been freaking crazy and have affected everyone differently, so let’s judge a little less and love a little more!

Stevie Pup

My puppy Stevie is officially 4 months old! She is fully vaccinated and ready for puppy play dates :) If you live in the Seattle/Tacoma area and want to meet at a dog park sometime, let me know!

What's New at Theory?

Check out this project that we completed last month for the Tacoma Rescue Mission!

Congrats to my friends Rachel and Nathan for buying their first home in Seattle!

Check out the Theory booth at the Tacoma Home + Garden Show this past weekend!

What I’m Reading

If you're looking for a great book to start, I highly recommend "Will" (Will Smith's Autobiography). He has a crazy story. He went from "West Philadelphia Born and Raised" (literally) to being the biggest movie star in the world, yet he was still missing something from his life. It just goes to show that no level of success can bring happiness if the other pillars of our life aren't solid. 10/10 read!

“I wake up every morning believing today is going to be better than yesterday.” - Will Smith